Evan Jaworski Angel Fire 4H
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Lot Number:17
Start Time:7/18/2024 6:00:00 PM
Bid Count:5
Winning Bidder:Les Schwab Tires - Interquest Pkwy
Starting Bid:$15.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$900.00
Bidding complete

Hello, my name is Evan Jaworski.  I am 17 years old, and I am in Angel Fire 4H club.  I am in my tenth year of 4H.  This year my 4H projects are chickens, ducks, market turkeys, and market geese.  I just graduated from High School, and this will be my final year in 4-H.  In August I will start attending classes at the Independent Electrical Contractor association and find an apprenticeship so that I can start my journey to becoming an electrician.  4-H has been a part of my life for so long, I truly appreciate all the opportunities and experiences that I have had over the years and will truly miss it.  I know this last year will provide lifelong memories.

I have 4 broad breasted white turkeys, and plan to bring 2 to the fair.  I have both hens and toms, but I have had better success with hens in past years, so I am focusing on them this year.  I have currently separated them from the toms because the toms compete with the hens for food.  By separating them, the hens have a better chance to achieve market weight.  I usually feed turkey starter for the first six weeks, which is 28% protein, and then move down to a grower and finisher feed which contain less protein.  This year I have kept the hens on starter feed to help them gain weight at a healthy rate.  The toms are now on chicken layer crumble which is 16% protein because they grow so much faster than the hens.  I will watch their weight and conditioning over the next few weeks to make sure I bring the best birds to the fair.  The most expensive cut of meat on a turkey is the breast meat, and that is followed by the legs and thighs.  Because of this I will choose the bird that has the greatest width of breast that continues through the whole body.  You do not want breast meat that tapers down to a point near the legs of the bird.  I will then look at the quality of the leg conditioning on the birds and make sure that the combination of breast and leg meat is the best possible.

I look forward to meeting you at El Paso County Fair.  The junior livestock auction will be held on July 20th at 1:00. Thank you for allowing me to share my projects with you and thank you for supporting 4H.

There are no bids for the lot at this time


The 2024 Junior Livestock Sale is scheduled to be held at the El Paso County Fair and Event Center, located at 366 10th Street, in Calhan, Colorado, on Saturday, July 20, at 1:00 p.m.  The format of the Sale will be the same as in recent years with a live in-person auction combined with an online simulcast hosted by Stockshowauctions.com to provide for online bidding. 

We look forward to seeing you at the El Paso County Junior Livestock Sale in person or online for an "Epic Time" at the 2024 El Paso County Junior Livestock Sale.  As always, we are truly thankful for your continued support and investment in our youth exhibitors!


BEEF, SHEEP, SWINE, POULTRY and RABBITS will be offered as TERMINAL ONLY.  All animals will be offered for sale and will transfer ownership to the highest paying bidder.  Winning Buyer designates one of the following options: CUSTOM HARVEST, DONATION TO SPRINGS RESCUE MISSION, OR BUYBACK. 

Simulcast online bidding is available via the stockshowauctioms.com online portal.  Buyers must be registered through the portal to bid online. 

Phone or proxy bidding options are available by contacting the Sale Manager at the phone number or email listed below. If you have questions or need more information, please contact: Sale Manager: Patty Woodard; Phone: (719) 439-2010; Email:  epcojrlivestocksalecommittee@gmail.com 

Those desiring to assist individual exhibitors through financial donations may place “Add-Ons” on specific lots. These Add-On monies will be credited to the exhibitor. There is no transfer of lease or ownership implied to any lot by placing “Add-Ons” contributions on a lot. Add-Ons contributions are to be strictly considered a gift to the exhibitor.  Registered Buyers are encouraged to enter Add-On contributions through the Stockshowauctions.com portal.  Click on the “Add On” tab and enter the Add-on contribution. 

Add-on contributions will be accepted up until 7:00 p.m. MST on Tuesday, July 23, 2024. 

PAYMENT TERMS: Buyers and contributors are asked to submit payment at the conclusion of the Junior Livestock Sale. Any arrangement for invoiced payment should be made in advance with the Sale Manager.  Checks should be made payable to the El Paso County Fair Association. Electronic payments can be made by entering debit/credit card information into the Stockshowauctions.com platform.  Debit/Credit Cards will incur a 3.9% convenience fee. 

CONDITIONS: Any person placing bids on items in this auction agrees to these terms and conditions and understands that, by placing bids, they are entering into a binding contract between themselves and the consignor(s) and that they will be held financially responsible for their actions. StockShowAuctions.com (Online Sale Provider), Auctioneers, and El Paso County Junior Livestock Sale Committee (Committee), serve only as an agent between the buyer and seller and may not be held responsible for any livestock or merchandise. Furthermore, it is to be clearly understood that the Online Sale Provider, Auctioneers, Committee, and their representatives act only as a means between buyer and seller, and may not be held liable, financially, or otherwise, for any failure on the part of the same to fulfill any obligations set forth in this Sale or for the truth of any warranties expressed or implied. This catalog of offering has been prepared by the Committee and Online Sale Provider from information provided by the seller(s) and is assumed accurate as presented to us. The Committee and Online Sale Provider in no way guarantees age, pedigree, or reproductive status of the animals selling. All agreements and adjustments made are between buyer and seller and should be done in writing. 

CHECK OFF FEES: The Committee is responsible to remit any check-off type fees required by law. The Committee assumes this responsibility and releases and will indemnify and defend the Online Sale Provider and buyer(s) from the Committee’s failure to remit such payment to the appropriate agencies. 

BIDDER SECURITY: As a Bidder, you are responsible for any bids placed by you or a designated representative under your bidding number and password. The security of your Bidder information is your sole responsibility, and the Bidder will be responsible for any and all bids placed under the assigned number. If, at any time, you feel that your Bidder number and password have been compromised, due to lack of security on your part, you must notify the Committee or Online Sale Provider immediately. 

SIMULCAST AUCTIONS: The Committee and StockShowAuctions.com will strive to provide the best possible experience and opportunity for all participants. In the event of a service provider failure (Electric, internet service provider, telecommunications, or other necessary provider) or integral equipment failure internet bidding service may be interrupted in part or in whole. Every attempt will be made to restore internet bidding capability as quick and as much as possible. Any interruption in internet bidding may or may not stop the live portion of the auction. Each sale will solely 
determine what is best for their situation at the time of any disruption and all participants agree to hold sale harmless of such decisions. 

BID RETRACTIONS: There are no bid retractions. ALL BIDS ARE NON-CANCELLABLE ONCE SUBMITTED. Once a bid is made and confirmed, it cannot be retracted. When a bid is made you manifest your intent and ability to buy the lot at the bid price. A false or fraudulent bid may result in legal action. Any winning Bidder who refuses to purchase the lot may be banned from all future online auctions. 

LOT REMOVAL: Despite efforts to avoid the withdrawal of lots from the online auction sale after they are listed, it may sometimes be necessary to do so; therefore, the Committee reserves the right to withdraw a lot at any time before or during the online auction sale without recourse from such from bidders.

AT YOUR OWN RISK: The Committee and the Online Sale Provider are not responsible for injury or accidents. All animals become property of the buyer at the conclusion of the auction unless the buyer designates the animal as a buyback purchase. Consignors cannot be held responsible for the health or condition of animals after the conclusion of the auction.  

By placing bids or making add-ons online, I affirm I have read the Online Sale Terms and Conditions and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions that will be enforced on me, my business/organization and/or if I am acting as the agent for another individual, business or organization.   In addition, I acknowledge and consent that an electronic copy or photocopy of these Online Sale Terms and Conditions is legally binding in the same manner as the original.








366 10th Street
Calhan, Colorado
United States