This is an add-on only sale, no bidding. All invoices will be settled at the conclusion of the sale on Monday, January 20th at 12:00PM
Howdy, my name is Annemarie Garza. I am currently a senior at James Madison High School and a member of the James Madison FFA Chapter. I have raised swine for three years. After placing 4th in the San Antonio Rodeo Calf Scramble last year, I was awarded a sponsorship to raise a breeding animal.
I chose my favorite breed of swine – a purebred Hampshire gilt. I named her “Sweet Pea”. I received her when she was just a mere 76 pounds. She now weighs about 280 pounds! I love working with her daily and watching her grow into a strong healthy gilt. My daily routine includes feeding her in the morning and evening. She gets yogurt every morning for her digestive system. She started out on Lindner 685 (16% protein) full feed but have recently moved her over to Lindner 686 Shape & Guts full feed to help her fill out more in the rib area. Currently, her diet consists of a mixture of supplements to enhance her body condition and health: Sunglo Full Tank, Sunglo S’Mores, Sunglo Milk It, and Sunglo Game On. My daily routine also includes making sure she has fresh water, a clean pen, and a bath, if needed. I take Sweet Pea outside every day for showmanship training and exercise if the weather is nice. I spend about a minimum of 3 hours per day with her. My goal is to have her ready for the gilt show category at the San Antonio Rodeo.
Our first show we attended was the Bar-Y Showdown on October 26, 2024, where we came in 6th place in market. On December 30, 2024, at the Bexar County Junior Livestock Show, we won Reserve Breed for Hampshire. We are looking forward to attending more shows.
I really enjoy competing and being a part of the FFA program; it has been a great experience. With my earnings I would like to apply them to my college expenses. My goal is to attend Texas A&M University to major in Biomedical Science for my future career in Dentistry.
Name | Amount |
Alamo Electric LLC | $100.00 |
On behalf of the NEISD Agriscience Magnet Program and the James Madison FFA Booster Club, we welcome you and thank you for visiting the online North East Ag Fair Premium Auction and supporting the students of the Agriscience Magnet Program.
The auction format that is being utilized is a Premium Auction which acts as a fundraiser for the student exhibitors. Bidders will not be purchasing the rights of lease or ownership to the project being offered in the Premium Auction, however, the bidder will simply be making a financial donation to student exhibitors by placing an "Add On" bid to the project being offered.
To make an "Add On" donation to an exhibitor, click the CLICK TO ADD ON option below the exhibitor's lot.
Again, we are very appreciative of your generosity and compassionate support to reward our students for their time, effort, and finances that they have invested into these agricultural projects.
The James Madison FFA Booster Club is recognized as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization as a subordinate in good standing of Parent Booster USA, Inc., Group Exemption Number: 5271, EIN# 27-1546608.
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LICENSE AND BOND: Auctioneer, Brent R. Graves is licensed in the State of Texas issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (License number 13507) and is covered by Livestock Auction Commission Merchants Bond #0835885 issued by Harco National Insurance Company and is filed with the Honorable Brandon Huckabee, Erath County Judge, Erath County, Texas.
San Antonio, Texas 78247
United States