Texas FFA Alumni Annual Auction

Thank You for Supporting the Texas FFA Alumni!
With the annual Texas FFA State Convention going virtual, the Alumni auction is doing the same. What better way than hosting it with Texas' own StockShowAuctions.com owned by a Texas FFA PSO Alumni and current Texas FFA Member! Special Thanks to our corporate partners that support our Texas FFA Youth: McCoys Building Supply, Ag Workers and StockShowAuctions.com
The proceeds from this auction will benefit FFA Alumni & Supporter Programs and their FFA Members through Scholarships, Grants, and Leadership Opportunities. A portion also welcomes the retiring State FFA Officers into Lifetime Membership of the National FFA and the Past State Officers Alumni Affiliate.
The FFA Alumni Association (National, State and local) is considered for IRS tax exemption purposes as a subordinate to the National FFA organization, which at time of the nonprofit exemption approval in 1976 was the Future Farmers of America organization. For Tax Exempt Status: See IRS Section 501(c)3. Dues and contributions are tax deductible.