Lorelai Hill Sharyland Pioneer FFA Chapter
Lot Number:78
Start Time:9/11/2020 1:00:00 PM
End Time:9/14/2020 1:00:00 AM
Bid Count:3
Winning Bidder:Donna Schuster
Starting Bid:$25.00
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$2,000.00
Bidding complete

Howdy! I am Lorelai Hill from the Sharyland Pioneer FFA Chapter. I am a Junior at Sharyland Pioneer High School. This year at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show I placed first in my class with my lightweight ABC steer making it the first time I will be in the auction. 

My steer was named T-Bone and from the moment I got him I knew he was going to be special. I appreciated him from the structural standpoint and how much natural muscle he had. He was a very sweet steer and he knew how to eat. He participated in two other shows before RGVLS: STAR and the Palm Valley District show. At STAR, he placed third in his class and he was one of the lightest steers. At the Palm Valley District Show he got Reserve Supreme in a very competitive show. He was not the biggest or the flashiest, but he stayed true to his structure and heavy muscling.

The auction money from this lot will go into my college funds so I can pursue a college degree.  I will major in Ag Policy and minor in Business, with plans to earn a Law degree.  I want to continue being an advocate for the agricultural industry, with a special interest in market policies.  

I would like to thank the RGVLS Staff for all their hard work and allowing us to have a sale and THANK YOU bidders for having faith in my future and an investment to this future AGvocate!

There are no bids for the lot at this time

Dustin Black$25.00
IGS Cattle Co. $50.00
Texas Farm Credit-Weslaco$100.00
Denny Jauer$100.00
La Muneca Cattle Company $100.00
Helena Agri Enterprises$250.00
Hidalgo County Farm Bureau$250.00

We here at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show in Mercedes, Texas would like to take this opportunity to welcome and thank you for visiting and supporting exhibitors of our 81st annual event.  Our event was cut short half way through the scheduled show due to Covid-19 back in March, but through the grace of our county officials and the diligence of our board of directors, management, and staff we were able to have our Jr. Market show exhibitors show their projects.  Unfortunately, we were not able to have our annual Sale of Champions Auction as we typically would have at the culmination of the show.  With that, we are now able to present THE SALE, the first ever Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show online auction to afford the opportunity for our exhibitors to participate in and hopefully attain much deserved funds for the hard work and dedication that went into raising their projects.  It is our sincere desire to see that these youngsters are rewarded as they normally would have been had we not been so adversely affected by the pandemic we all continue to deal with.  Again, THANK YOU for your support, and may God Bless You All!


Mando Correa, General Manager


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Auctioneer, Brent R. Graves is licensed in the State of Texas issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (License number 13507) and is covered by a surety bond issued in accordance to the Federal Packers and Stockers Act.