South Texas Agricultural Roundup - TEXAS

The STAR Show motto has always been "IT'S ALL FOR THE KIDS!"
Since year one, every eligible STAR scholarship applicant that applied and interviewed has won a scholarship. We are proud to announce that this year our scholarship committee interviewed 32 hard working Hidalgo County 4-H and FFA members and they will be receiving $42,500 in scholarships. We are proud to have awarded $684,750 to 594 STAR exhibitors since 2004.
A STAR tradition is our fantastic Add-On Program which enables friends and family to continue to support our 4-H and FFA kiddos. This year, we are launching the Online Platform so the tradition can continue! Every exhibitor that participates in the 2021STAR Show is eligible to set up their lot and collect Add-Ons. STAR is committed to giving every exhibitor 100% of what is contributed to their lot.
We encourage you to find your favorite exhibitor and help invest in their future!
THANK YOU for your generosity and commitment to the Ag Kids of Hidalgo County!
PO Box 1939, Edinburg, Texas 78540
Ended on
This is an ADD-ON ONLY Sale! There will not be any competitive bidding (auction) in this sale, just add-ons.