Increase Your Auction Budget by Securing Your place in the Budgets of Local Businesses.
It’s all about the budget…get your sale’s name in the hat, NOW!
Fourth quarter is the typical time that businesses begin setting the budgets for the upcoming new year. CEO’s, CFO’s, Department heads, managers and owners are looking at what they spent this year and where they can save or spend more or less next year.
This is the perfect time to visit with those businesses and discuss the possibility of increasing their spending for your show’s auction in 2022.
Set a very public goal to break a record. Tell the press and follow it up with the businesses. For instance, if your sale record is $320,000 ask the committee to set a goal of $400,000 then have the press in town report the lofty goal of a 25% increase for the kids. When your sale committee volunteers reach out to prospective businesses and ask if they will help achieve this goal by increasing their typical spend by 25% they have heard about it and still have time to put it in their budget for 2022.
Now is the time to get your auctions piece of the company’s budget.
Challenge: Before releasing to the press, contact your top corporate contributors from last year. Explain your goal, ask if they will agree to increase the specified percentage then ask if they would mind being quoted in the press release. Others will follow.
P.S. Book your dates with SSA Before November 30th, 2021 and you can purchase Boxel Mfg. "Deep Aluminum Carrier" Show boxes at DEALER COST! They retail for $475, your cost is dealer priced at just $350 plus shipping!! These show boxes would make great showmanship or grand champion prizes for your show. For a little extra ($50) you can have them powdercoated in your show's colors or specific ribbon colors.