Pay Kids, Not Taxes!

2020 is clicking away…rapidly. With the end of year, businesses and individuals alike are beginning take action to reduce their income tax liability. They might be making equipment purchases, pre-paying their accounts or…get this, making tax deductible donations.
This is a perfect time to solicit individuals and buyers alike to make those donations. They can pre-pay your non-profit and then buy or add-on with their funds already on deposit with your sale. 2021 has been a great year for several sectors and it’s possible you have buyers that would love to stretch their dollars through tax savings at your 2022 auction.
Challenge: Visit with local CPA’s about the opportunity for their clients to pre-pay for their purchases and add-ons for your 2022 junior livestock auction. They may very well have clients that would enjoy the tax benefits of helping your exhibitors. (Disclaimer: is not an accountant and we recommend all tax advice come from professionals experienced in tax planning and tax laws)
P.S. Book your dates with SSA Before November 30th, 2021 and you can purchase Boxel Mfg. "Deep Aluminum Carrier" Show boxes at DEALER COST! They retail for $475, your cost is dealer priced at just $350 plus shipping!! These show boxes would make great showmanship or grand champion prizes for your show. For a little extra ($50) you can have them powdercoated in your show's colors or specific ribbon colors.